This page contains software I have developed over the years. I will be uploading sporadically but my aim is to publish all code used in papers I’ve first authored or co-authored.
This Website
This is a Quarto Website .
Quarto websites are a type of RStudio Project.
Each webpage is edited as a Quarto document.
A YAML file is used to organize the Quarto document webpages into a functional website.
The updated files are committed to my local Git Repository used for version control.
The committed changes are pushed to the remote GitHub Repository which uploading any new files simultaneously
The remote repository GitHub files are then processed with GitHub Actions - automatically triggered by the git push - which builds and deploys the Quarto website to GitHub Pages, forming this website:
PhD Thesis Research
Post-TB Airway Disease
R code
Survival analysis (Rmd) with hdPS, lasso-hdPS, robust Poisson, and other sensitivity analyses.
Journal Article
TB-Associated Depression
R code
Mediation analysis of depression risk by TB via hospital LOS (ordinal measure)
Journal Article
Multimorbidity Prevalence and Chronic Disease Patterns
R code
Multimorbidity prevalence ratios comparing TB survivors with non-TB controls